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About Us

Growth thanks to neural intelligence

Imagine if your company could learn, think and develop like a human brain. With NeuroScaling, we make exactly that possible. We use the latest findings in neuroscience to make your company smarter, more efficient and more successful. Our team of experienced experts develops customized solutions that improve your decision-making, strengthen your teams and accelerate your growth.
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We make companies smarter

Forget gut feeling and trial-and-error. With NeuroScaling, you can rely on scientifically sound methods that deliver measurable results. We accompany you on your way to an agile and innovative corporate culture that meets the challenges of the future. Our goal is not only to help your company grow, but also to make it more resilient and future-proof.



Happy Customers


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Donated to charity 2023

Strong team and minimal hierarchy

We thrive on active participation, diversity, mutual enrichment and encounters at eye level. Skills and ideas, not hierarchies, are what count. This enables us to provide strong services for our customers and to develop flexibly in the market.

Sebastian Krantz

Head of Consulting


Marco Lück

CEO & Founder

Our core values

Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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Your Core Values Name Goes Here

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We are always on the lookout for new talent!

If you havea passion for neuroscience, innovative ideas and the will to make a difference, then NeuroScaling is the right place for you. We offer you the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment, to develop personally and professionally and to shape the working world of tomorrow together with us.

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